Just developed a couple old rolls of pentax film of around USU from back in april.
It makes me miss Logan so much. It's funny, I moved up to Logan three years ago for college kind of on a whim, completely alone, not knowing a single soul. Never would I have thought that it would end up becoming home for me. I've moved around so much, that nothing ever felt like "home". But when I went up to Logan, lived there for three years, it ended up being the longest time I had lived in one place, and then I was lucky enough to meet the greatest people who became my best friends, and it really did become home. Some of my favorite places, memories, and people reside there. Tiny little freezing Logan, Utah. Who would ever have thought? The town that you permanently wear a parka and snows 3 inches in May. Yes sir. And I fell in love with the it pretty fast too. Even though I really had complained about it's weather and how small-town it is, about every day,
I love Logan and probably always will.
The funny thing is, I've always had the travel bug ... always loved to travel, experience, and live in new places and cultures. And I am so excited that I get to leave to Finland for the next 18 months, you have no idea how excited.
But when I return, the day I move back to Logan ... well, it will be good to be home.
Saccharinely, Aj.
You are a beautiful soul.